Description: ~
Attributes:- id (integer) - unique identifier
- iata (string) - unique two-character IATA (ISO) code
- published (boolean) - availability of booking a transfer from the country (see comments below)
- name_en (string) - the English name
- name_ru (string) - the Russian name
- currency_id (integer) - unique currency identifier used in the country
- time_zone (string) - difference between local time and UTC without daylight saving time. For example: "+2", "+10", "-3" etc.
Comments:More precise definition of "published" attribute. If the attribute value equals "False", then it's impossible to book transfers in this country, but it's possible to book a transfer from another available country to this one. A situation like this can occur in the European Union if there are two neighbouring countries.
For example: Belgium's attribute equals "published == false", and France's - "published == true" then transfers "Brussels Charleroi Airport => Paris" are not available but return transfers "Paris =>Brussels Charleroi Airport" are available.