How to get from Siem Reap to the cities of Cambodia and Thailand. Transport guide

Siem Reap

Siem Reap → Phnom Penh

It is possible to get from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh by plane, bus, and even motorboat. If you are in a hurry and tired after the flight, book a taxi. More details are in the Airguide.

Bangkok → Cambodia (Siem Reap, Phnom Penh)

It is possible to get from Thailand to Cambodia by low-cost plane, bus (with a 3-hour border control) or by individual transfer. More details are in the Airguide.

 How to get from Siem Reap to the cities of Cambodia and Thailand
Siem Reap

Siem Reap is the main transit point for those arriving in Cambodia. It is here where one of the largest cultural buildings in the world – Angkor Wat devoted to Vishnu, is located. There is an international airport in Siem Reap. Most often, tourists fly from here to Phnom Penh, in order to see the capital of the country as well. There are other ways to get from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, too. More information about them can be found in Kiwitaxi Airguide.

We have read dozens of websites and blogs about Siem Reap and chosen the most useful information: which modes of transport one can use to travel from this place, from which stops transport departs as well as information on timetables, prices, and possible changes on the way. From Kiwitaxi Airguide, you will learn how to get to Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, what is to keep in mind during a trip, and which difficulties you can face on each of the routes.

Transport timetable in Siem Reap

Siem Reap, as the whole Cambodia, is still trying to recover after multiple wars. The railway was dramatically damaged during military actions, and only small part of it has been restored by now. In fact, the train runs only in one direction, Sihanoukville – Phnom Penh, and does not follow a strict schedule. Flights timetable is also not stable, and sometimes, there can be only one flight a day. The least reliable transport mode is the motorboat, as it can be 3 hours late. Buses has the best developed connection in the country.

How to get from/to Siem Reap?

In order to choose the right transport to or from Siem Reap, answer the following questions:

— what is more important for you: comfort or price? If you have to save, chose public transport. However, there are situations, when the duration of a trip matters. In this case, choose taxi or plane;

— are children or elderly relatives traveling with you? In such a hot country like Cambodia, it will be difficult for them to bear a long trip by public transport, so the taxi will be a necessity, not a luxury;

— do you have a lot of luggage with you? If you carry big suitcases or bulky baggage, opt for a taxi. You will quickly get tired of dragging them in the heat;

— what time are you arriving? From 24:00 to 5:00, public transport in Siem Reap does not run, so the taxi is the only possible way to get to your destination.

Kiwitaxi Airguide: how to get from Siem Reap to other cities of Cambodia and Thailand?

Of course, you are the only one to decide which route to choose. It is possible that a trip by bus with children is not a problem for you at all, rather an interesting life experience. The article is of a recommendatory nature and formed on the experience of tourists from all over the world, who have already visited Siem Reap. And our goal is to make the choice easier for you when planning a trip and warn you about possible troubles on the road. Have a nice trip!