It is possible to get from Charleroi Airport to Brussels by commercial bus, bus with a change to train, and by transfer. Each option has both advantages and disadvantages. In order to compare them, read the Airguide.
Read moreIt is possible to get from Charleroi Airport to Brussels by commercial bus, bus with a change to train, and by transfer.Travel time differs for each mode of transport. The Airguide can help you compare.
Read moreIt is possible to get from Zaventem Airport to Paris by bus, train, plane, and by transfer. Travel time differs for each mode of transport. In order to compare them, read the Airguide.
Read moreIn order to cross the border and get from Amsterdam to Belgium, one can use plane, train, bus or taxi. Compare travel time, timetables, and transport ticket prices in Kiwitaxi Airguide.
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